
To prove the quality of production, environmental impact and origin of our products, we offer a selection of certificates. More information about different certificates can be found below. If there are any certificates you cannot find here or would prefer for your products, please contact us at info@designpack.fi and together we will find you the suitable products. The list is being constantly updated.  

I’m greenTM is plastic produced from polyethylene. Production of I’m greenTM uses renewable raw material (sugarcane) instead of traditional fossil origin materials such as oil or natural gas. Thanks to that I’m greenTM production has low greenhouse gas emission rates. The advantages of I’m greenTM products: 100% recyclable, reusable, smaller ecological footprint, different film thickness available, possible to print up to 8 colours. 

Composting helps to decrease the amount of organic waste mass significally. At the same time it holds a variety of beneficial qualities which can be used later for agricultural purposes. About 50% of all household waste consists of organic mass. Packages and products, which have received OK compost INDUSTRIAL certificate are biodegradable in industrial composting facilities. That includes all of the ingredients, as well as inks and additives. Products with OK compost INDUSTRIAL certificate are in accordance with European Union Packaging Directive.