Pantone C and U colors

Pantone coated and uncoated

Let’s have a look at some of the different types of packaging options you can use to improve your goods & customer experience!

single use plastic

Single use plastic cups & EU DIRECTIVE Starting from July

Paperbags with twisted handles

Paper bags with handles – what to grab? Before ordering

Beginning of the year is the perfect moment to count your package stock. This gives a good overview which packages are in demand and makes ordering for this year smarter.

Corrugated boxes

Either we are talking about corrugated boxes or other packages, it is important to have same measuring standards. Otherwise you may end up with an unpleasant surprise of receiving a completely different packages than what you had in mind.

We will answer questions such as what is the difference and how to distinguish a raster and vector file. Also we will cover why is vector file so important for print packages.

Eco friendly packaging

Eco friendly packaging and how to show it off Packaging

Ordering packages

Ordering packages – how to plan your next order? In

packaging costs

3 WAYS TO CUT PACKAGING COSTS Ordering packages is one
