Before ordering paper bags it is important to know the basics. What kind of print, measurements, material and of course handles are you looking for. Even more confusing – many different companies use several names for the same handles. For example rope handles can also be called cord handles. While ordering paper bags there are usually six different handles to pick from so let us introduce them to you.
Rope handles are the most popular pick for gift bags thanks to their wide colour range and different materials. Handles are put on bags by hand and there are two different ways:
There are two different materials for rope handles – cotton handles and PP-handles.
PP-handles are made out of durable and strong polypropylene. Handles feel smooth and and the colours are bright and saturated. PP-handles are woven together from different length fibres which is why some of them might pop out.
Cotton handles feel more natural and softer. They are somewhat more elastic and have a different structure than PP-handles. Because cotton handles aren’t shiny like PP-handles the colours look less saturated as well.
Satin handles are the silkiest choice out of all the handles which makes them perfect for lux paper bags and gift bags. They have a wide variety of different colours and lengths. Satin handles are often called as silk handles or ribbon handles. Satin handles can be attached in two ways:
Similarly to rope handles, satin handles are connected to the paper bag by hand which is why some call them hand made paper bags.
Twisted handles are made out of paper which makes the whole bag easily recyclable. Mainly twisted handles are the same colour as the bag but for bigger quantities (starting from 20 000 bags) it is possible to colour the handles as well. If the colour of your bag handles is important to the brand we recommend picking rope handles instead. They have a wide colour selection even for small quantities.
Twisted handles are also called paper handles, spiral handles or even paper spiral handles. Twisted handles are quite strong, but mainly used for lighter products (twisted handles can be uncomfortable when carrying heavier products). Twisted handles are popular pick for clothing stores and souvenir shops.
Flat paper handles are easily recyclable similarly to twisted handles. They are a popular choice for grocery stores and as takeaway bags to restaurants and cafes. Thanks to the handle design flat handles are comfortable even when carrying somewhat heavier products.
Just like with twisted handles, flat handles can be coloured starting from bigger quantities (100 000 bags). Mostly companies tend to prefer brown or white handles, depending from the bag and print.
Grosgrain handles are often confused with satin and herringbone handles. Some tend to put them in one pot as ribbon handles. Grosgrain material is very durable and strong when used as handles. Grosgrain is made out of polyester which helps them maintain their shape and unlike satin handles they do not stain as easily. Grosgrain can be identified by its characteristic stripes. Grosgrain handles have a wide selection of colours and can be ordered in different lengths and widths.
Just like grosgrain and satin handles, herringbone handles are usually categorised as ribbon handles. Unlike grosgrain handles, herringbone is made out of cotton which makes the handles feel softer. Handles have a wide variety of colours and can be produced in different lengths and widths.
When picking the right handles for your bag it is important to think about what is this bag going to be used for? How heavy are the products, what kind of material matches your brand and how would your clients prefer carrying the bag (bigger bags are often made with longer handles to carry on one shoulder). Weighing in all the factors it is easier to find the perfect handle for your bags.
If you have found the right handles, then be sure to check out how to plan ordering your packages this year. And if the plans are in place? Then of course we are looking forward to your orders which can be sent to our e-mail or just fill in our contact form.